Ohio Box Braiders

Ramas’ Ohio Box Braiders Can Create The Braided Look of Your Dreams

Box Braids are never going to go out of style. In fact, box braids are so in that you’ve probably got them right now. Whether it’s time for a new style or a touch-up, visit Ramas, your expert Ohio Box Braiders for braids that will turn heads.

Not only do our experienced stylists work hard to ensure you love your braids, but we also guarantee them. Our braids are made to last, and if with proper care your braids fall apart within three days from your original appointment, call us and we will fix them. Whether you’re near or far, making a trip to Ramas is worth it, we promise. Call us today to make an appointment with our Ohio Box Braiders today.

Are Box Braids Right For My Hair?

Box braids come in all shapes and styles. These braids can be long and thin or thick and chunky. Box braiding is done with three-stranded plates and creates a box or triangle shape on your scalp. They are defined and loose, but they are not tight to the scalp like cornrows. Because the tension is at the root of your hair, you won’t have fly-aways or frizz with box braids. Box braids can be short or long depending on your hair, and they are easy to make longer with extensions.

Since box braids are built to last, it’s worth investing your time and money to visit a professional and experienced braiding salon. Our innovative looks and high-quality techniques are worth the drive. Our stylists are invested in you. That’s why we want your braids to last. Follow our tips and cleaning best practices and your braids will look great for weeks!

If you’re excited about your appointment with one of our Ohio Box Braiders, there are a few things you should consider before deciding on a style.

thick box braids by Ramas Hair Braiding

Determine Your Ideal Braid Thickness

Box Braids can be thin or thick depending on your preference. The tighter and smaller your braids, the longer your appointment will be. For the health of your hair, it is best not to have box braids thinner than two fingers wide. Chunky box braids have been more popular lately, and braiding in bigger sections will protect your hair more and cause less stress on your scalp. If you ever feel discomfort during the braiding process, let your stylist know. Braids shouldn’t hurt, and if they are, you want to address the problem with your stylist before they finish braiding your entire head.

long braids by by Ramas Hair Braiding

Braid Length

If you want long braids but have short natural hair, you are going to need extensions. Our friendly staff can recommend hair extensions when you call to make your appointment with our Ohio Box Braiders, but it is definitely worth it to do some more research on your own. Human hair usually looks the best, but it can be the most expensive. Braiding hair packs made of synthetic fibers are great because they are more affordable and can withstand extreme heat for sealed ends.

colorful braids by Ramas Hair Braiding

Add Color To Your Braids

At Ramas, we love when braids show off rainbows of color. We can dye your hair or add colorful extensions to brighten up your do. Braids are great for transitioning hair from one color to another or showing off multiple colors. Blonde or light-colored braids add more definition. And because you don’t have to wash your hair as much when it’s in braids, the color will stay vibrant until your braids come out. We also love to add jewels, charms, thread, cuffs, and other accessories to add some bling and dimmension to your new look.

beautiful red braids by Ramas Hair Braiding

Style Your Braids

Once you have a full head of braids, it’s up to you how to wear them. Keep them sporty in a ponytail or twist them up in an elegant bun for a night on the town. Braiding braids in one big braid is a great way to keep them neat or wear the ends loose for a bohemian vibe. When you have box braids, your styling possibilities are endless!

Styling your braids can increase the life of them. You’ll never get sick of beautiful box braids when you can turn them into any new look. Love your hair and wear it however you like without worry about breaking or damaging your hair. Styling is a great way to draw attention to particular areas of your head and keeping your hair looking coordinated and uniform

braids by Ramas Hair Braiding

Have Clean Hair For Your Appointment

Before your appointment with one of our Ohio Box Braiders, you’ll want to make sure your hair is squeaky clean and easy to comb through. Wash your hair the night before your appointment. Be sure to condition your hair thoroughly with natural oils in order to avoid tangles during the braiding process. It is also important to wash your scalp. When your braids are done, the surface of your scalp will be easily seen, so it’s important to scrub your scalp well to get rid of all the buildup. Come to the salon with dry, clean hair.

long black braids by Ramas Hair Braiding

Keep Your Braids Looking Great

Braids can last anywhere from 6 weeks to 3 months long with proper care and maintenance. It is important to keep scrubbing your scalp to prevent buildup. You should also clean your braids by spraying them with moisturizing oil. Our best advice that we give all our clients is to sleep in a silk nightcap to keep your braids long and strong.

Call Ramas Today To Make Your Appointment with our Ohio Box Braiders

If you’re looking for a new easy to maintain hairstyle that is versatile for any occasion, then you need to call Ramas to make your Ohio Box Braiders appointment today. Before you call, have an idea of the look you’re going for. Our expert braiding stylists will be able to give you an estimate on time and price for completing your new look. Contact us today to learn more.